To Join the SIG

Contact AERA through one of the following methods:

  • Online at
  • In writing — 1230 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036;
  • By telephone — 202.223.9485;
  • By fax — 202.775.1824 to request that a Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and Multimodality (SIG #110) be added to your AERA membership.

You can also make this request at the AERA Annual Meeting (Conference), as well as on your annual or bi-annual AERA membership renewal application.

The cost for joining is only a nominal $7 annual SIG membership dues fee that goes directly to AERA. If you join at the time that your AERA membership renews, the term of your membership in the SIG will run concurrent with your AERA membership. If you join in the middle of your AERA membership term, then your SIG membership will only run for the period up until your AERA membership renews for the first year of membership.

Membership Dues

One Year: $7 (nominal fee)

One Year: $5 (student fee)

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