Chronicle of Higher Education (April 29, 2013) Parents' Education Level Is Weak Predictor of Students' Learning Habits Diverse Issues in Higher Education (April 29, 2013) HBCU Deans of Education Rethinking How to Make Teaching a Major Attraction Education Week (April 30, 2013) AERA: Duncan Faces Critics on Student Testing
Education Writers Association - "The Educated Reporter" (May 1, 2013) School Bullying Prevention Task Force Wants Less Talk, More Action Chronicle of Higher Education (May 1, 2013) Why Disadvantaged Students Are More Influenced by College Marketing Chronicle of Higher Education (May 1, 2013) Students May Be Reading Plenty, But Not For Class Diverse Issues in Higher Education (May 1, 2013) Race to the Top Initiative Getting Mixed Reviews on the Road Washington Post (May 1, 2013) Duncan on testing: ‘We can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater’ GHNewsroom (May 1, 2013) Story idea: Define bullying in your community Inside Higher Ed (May 1, 2013) Quick and Dirty Research
Seattle Times (May 2, 2013) Moving education theory from the lab to the classroom
Huffington Post (May 2, 2013) Arne Duncan's AERA Speech: Standardized Test Criticism 'Is Merited' Huffington Post (May 2, 2013) Out-Of-State College Enrollment Crowds Out Poor And Minority Students: Report Kitsap Sun (May 2, 2013) Nation's Top Educator Visits Mission District Classrooms Inside Higher Ed (May 2, 2013) Class Matters Forbes (May 2, 2013) Why Don't Entrepreneurs And Learning Scientists Talk Much?
Washington Post (May 4, 2013) Severe technical problems raise concerns over online tests Education Writers Association - "The Educated Reporter" (May 6, 2013) Guest Post: When Are Middle Schoolers Ready for Algebra
Education Week (May 6, 2013) An Apology to Secretary Duncan
Education Next (May 7, 2013) Why Don’t Entrepreneurs And Learning Scientists Talk Much?