ER Articles in the News
ER Articles in the News

November 2013

Recent articles from AERA’s Educational Researcher (ER) have received press attention, with several mentions in prominent media outlets since late October.

Infusing Neuroscience Into Teacher Professional Development,” from the August/September issue of ER, was highlighted in the Editors’ Choice section of Science magazine, volume 342, on November 8.

Challenging the Research Base of the Common Core State Standards: A Historical Reanalysis of Text Complexity,” from the October issue of ER, was mentioned in two Politico Pro articles by Stephanie Simon on October 29: “New Study Challenges the Common Core’s Focus on Increasing Text Complexity” and “Scholars Defend the Common Core, Argue That More Is Needed in Textbooks” (a Politico Pro subscription is required to access these articles). The ER article also was the focus of an opinion piece in the Huffington Post on October 28.

The Effect of Postsecondary Coenrollment on College Success: Initial Evidence and Implications for Policy and Future Research,” also from the October issue, was referenced in Politico’s Morning Education by Libby Nelson on October 30.

Effective Instructional Time Use for School Leaders: Longitudinal Evidence From Observations of Principals,” from the November issue of ER, was mentioned in a Politico Pro article by Stephanie Simon on November 13. The publication of the November issue of ER was mentioned by Libby Nelson in Politico’s Morning Edition on November 14.

“The Waive of the Future? School Accountability in the Waiver Era,” from the forthcoming December issue of ER, was covered in “Report: Use No Child Waivers to Innovate,” a Politico Pro article by Caitlin Emma, on November 5, and in “Michigan School Accountability System Called ‘Strong’ in Report Advising Against Letter Grades,“ by Brian Smith, published November 5 in MLive.

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