Affirmative Action Council

The Affirmative Action Committee is working hard to provide an exciting AA session for this year’s annual meeting.

The committee will also consult with the nominations committee chair to ensure that AERA’s affirmative action goals are taken into consideration in the preparation of the slate of officers.

Please contact the Affirmative Action Committee Chair, Winona B. Vesey if you have question or concerns [email protected].


Annual Program - AA sessions. During September and October, the Affirmative Action Committee will select an AA session for the Annual Convention and conduct a demographic review of accepted sessions.

Call for volunteers -  Committees need volunteers (about 1 hour/month) to post their web content and keep it up to date. This is a great opportunity to network within Division H and contribute to its organizational effectiveness. Training available.  Please contact Judy Arter  for further information,[email protected].


Discussion Listserv - resource for general AERA membership to post and reply to comments and queries
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