N. Wingo, Editor
Summer 2013
Did you hear the news? We have a new international professional association! The Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) is now enrolling members from all over the world to form an interdisciplinary research community. MMIRA Board members and Steering Committee members include many colleagues from our Mixed Methods SIG.
We urge you to become a part of this growing international association! Your annual enrollment dues ($50/regular; $20/student, emeritus, or retired; $5/students, professors, or citizens in developing nations; $100/institutional) will give you a special e-access subscription to the Journal of Mixed Methods Research, leadership/mentoring opportunities in the new association, and access to the new MMIRA website (at http://MMIRA.org) that features a variety of pedagogical and research resources, updates about current mixed methods initiatives/conferences, and opportunities for dialogue with other mixed methods scholars and students.
Your membership will also give you a 10% registration discount for the annual MMIRA conference that will be sponsored by various institutions around the world. The inaugural conference will be held at Boston College on July 27-29, 2014.
To join the MMIRA, complete the registration form online at http://MMIRA.org.
Click below to see previous newsletter! FALL 2013 MMR SIG Newsletter