2015 Conference Highlights The 2015 Annual meeting, in the Windy City, Chicago (April 16-20) was a huge success for our SIG. We had a great turnout at the business meeting with an exciting speaker (Thanks Norm and his gang). We gave out awards, recognized the new governing board members, and had fun talking shop with friends, old and new.
TPACK and Beyond
Matt Koehler and Punya Mishra
At this meeting we introduced the winners of our two awards for 2014. Early Career Scholar Award
Amy Hutchinson
The new officers for SIG-TACTL have also been elected. The completed group of officers for 2014-2015 will be:
Doug Hearrington 2014-2015 TACTL SIG Chair Chair - Doug Hearrington, Armstrong University Vice Chair - Chrystalla Mouza, University of Delaware Program Co-Chair - Debra Spague, George Mason University Secretary Treasurer - Amy Hutchinson, Iowa State University Internet Information Officer - Henry Gillow-Wiles, Oregon State University Past Chair - Maggie Niess, Oregon State University