Welcome to the SSRL SIG website. We are proud to be serving as co-chairs for the SIG this year and look forward to corresponding and interacting with all SIG members throughout the year. We also hope that everyone will visit our website and Facebook page on a frequent basis to learn about key information regarding the 2016 AERA program, updates about the core initiatives of our SIG, and other important announcements.
Our SIG has already started making preparations for the 2016 AERA conference proposal submission process and recruiting committee members for the Outstanding Poster Award (OPA) and the Graduate Student Research Award (GSRA). We are also continuing our work with two important programs: A Mentoring Program and the Barry J. Zimmerman Award for Outstanding Contributions. In addition, we have invited Dr. Taylor Acee to take on the role of SIG Historian. He will be preparing information about the history of our SIG which will be available shortly on our website. Teya Rutherford has agreed to serve as our Webmaster and she will also be working closely with our officers to create a user friendly and informative SIG website.
We have a highly motivated and professional SIG board. Jill Salisbury-Glennon and Peggy Chen are leading the proposal submission process for our SIG while and Brian Mandell and Stacy DeZutter will spearhead the development of the SIG newsletters and other responsibilities of the SIG secretary position. Christoph Winkler and Christian Brandmo will lead a recruitment effort to increase SIG membership in the positions as the current SIG Treasurer Co-Chairs. Thanks to everyone for volunteering to serve in these positions. Our SIG cannot function without your dedication and professional talents and skills.
We look forward to a productive year and wish all of our SSRL SIG members a very healthy, happy, and productive summer. One of our primary goals this year is to increase our SIG’s membership. With that in mind, please remember to invite at least one person to become a member of our SIG and don’t forget to submit your AERA conference proposals to our SIG by July 22, 2015. Maria K. DiBenedetto the Sr. Chair of the SSRL SIG, can be reached by email: [email protected], and the Jr. Chair, Marie C. White can be reached by [email protected]
SSRL SIG 2014-2015 Executive Committee Contact Information
Chairs Maria DiBenedetto: [email protected] Marie C. White [email protected]
Program Chairs Jill Salisbury-Glennon: [email protected] Peggy Chen: [email protected]
Secretary/Newsletter Brian Mandell: [email protected] Stacy DeZutter: [email protected]
Treasurers/Membership Christoph Winkler: [email protected] Christian Brandmo: [email protected]
SSRL SIG 2014-2015 - Award Committee Chairs Outstanding Poster Award – Matt Bernacki: [email protected] Graduate Student Research Award - Hefer Bembenutty: [email protected] Barry J. Zimmerman Award for Outstanding Contributions: Linda Bol [email protected]
Webmaster: Teya Rutherford: [email protected]
Historian: Taylor Acee: [email protected]