Leadership for School Improvement SIG
Message from SIG Chair
Greetings! We are pleased that you have found our website! The purpose of our Special Interest Group (SIG) is to bring together scholars (including researchers, faculty members, graduate students), practitioners, and policymakers who are interested in issues of school improvement and the work of leaders—both administrative and teacher—who support school improvement. Through membership in our SIG you will gain access to an international network of professionals who share your interest in leadership for school improvement.
During the 2013-2014 academic year our SIG is undertaking a variety of newsworthy communications-oriented projects. First, we are excited to report that we are working to establish an electronic newsletter that would be forwarded to our SIG members once per semester. The first issue of this newsletter is expected sometime Spring 2014. If you have thoughts on content for this newsletter, do not hesitate to reach out to me via email to share your ideas. Second, we are working to establish our presence on social media through a Facebook page and a Twitter account. Look for particulars on both of these sometime near the first of the year on this website. In addition to these new communication approaches, we will continue to send out important announcements that either our SIG has generated or that have been forwarded to our SIG to SIG members roughly once per week through out list-serve.
Our SIG holds one in-person meeting of roughly 90 minutes each year in connection with the annual AREA Convention. This year’s convention will be held in Philadelphia from April 3rd to April 7th 2014. Once the AERA agenda has been established for this convention, we will post information about the date, time and content of our meeting. This meeting provides an excellent opportunity for making connections with other SIG members because it is organized as part business meeting and part networking over nibbles and drinks. For this reason we hope that all SIG members will join us for this meeting.
Our SIG also holds paper and symposium sessions at AERA. For the 2014 program we expect to have one paper session and one symposium featured on the AERA program agenda. Once the program is finalized, we will also post information on this website about the SIG paper and symposium sessions that will be featured at AERA.
My membership in the Leadership for School Improvement SIG has allowed me to cultivate many meaningful professional relationships. I hope the same for you.