Inclusion and Accommodation in Educational Assessment SIG 96
IAEA SIG Purpose

The Inclusion and Accommodation in Educational Assessments (IAEA) special interest group is dedicated to promoting research and disseminating information on activities and projects focusing on the inclusion of students with disabilities and English learners in educational assessments.

SIG Dues: $7/year for Regular AERA members. Graduates students can join for only $5/year.
Become a member of this SIG by going to the AERA website

Please join our LinkedIn group to keep up with the latest SIG news.
Message from SIG Chair


Our special interest group focuses on the issues and practices related to the inclusion of all students in educational assessments, thereby promoting fairness, expanding equal opportunities, and supporting college, career, and community readiness. We are a committed group of students, researchers, and practitioners who care deeply about the field and the students we serve.

We hold an annual meeting during the AERA conference, and we communicate with SIG members throughout the year. Our email announcements include job postings and relevant publication highlights, and our LinkedIn forum promotes discussion and allows member to share resources. Please join this group to keep up with the latest news and discussions from the SIG.

We look forward to the 2017 annual meeting and plan to host exciting paper and roundtable sessions. Please submit your proposals and volunteer to review others’ proposals.

If you have ideas or resources to share, be in touch: [email protected]. We welcome feedback and suggestions. Invite others you know interested in the same topics, too!

Thank you for your interest in IAEA.

Anne Davidson

IAEA SIG Chair 2016-2017
Who We Are
2016-2017 SIG Officers


Chair: Anne Davidson ([email protected])

Vice chair: Sheila Wells-Moreaux

Secretary/Treasurer: Stephanie Cawthon

Webmaster: Joni Lakin

Program Co-Chairs: Vitaliy Shyyan ([email protected]), Laurene Christensen ([email protected])

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