Special Interest Group: Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education (SIG-PE)
AERA, a national research society, is the largest scholarly organization for educational research in the world. Its mission is
“to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good.” Read More
Dr. Nathan McCaughtry
Wayne State University
[email protected]
Dr. Bo Shen
Past Chair:
Dr. Dominique Banville
George Mason University
Program Chair
Dr. Laura Azzarito
Teachers College Columbia University
Dr. Haichun Sun University of South Florida [email protected]
Web Content Manager
Dr. Tao Zhang
University of North Texas
2014 SIG Business Meeting agenda.pdf Kulinna SIG Scholar 2014 Final.pdf Ben Dyson - CL AERA IC VGAC - Section 2.pdf Cathy Ennis and Ang Chen- Scaling Research 4-14.pdf IC ppt - Session 1.pdf Presentations outside of PE SIG 2014.pdf