
The Special Interest Group for Faculty Teaching, Evaluation and Development (SIG-FTED) of the American Educational Research Association sponsors three awards that recognize scholarly contributions to the field of faculty teaching, evaluation, and/or development. The first award, named in honor of W. J. McKeachie, recognizes the contributions of an established scholar in the field. The second award, named in memory of Robert J. Menges, recognizes the work of a new researcher. The third award is pending approval by AERA. However, once approved, it will be a Graduate Student Scholar Award, and will recognize a graduate student who has the potential for contributing to scholarship in teaching, evaluation, and/or development. SIG-FTED encourages its members to recognize qualified colleagues.

The SIG-FTED Awards Committee is currently seeking nominations for the Robert J. Menges New Researcher Award to be announced at the 2016 AERA Annual Meeting and Exhibition. Please submit nominations for this award to the Awards Committee Chair, Suzanne Young, [email protected] by December 1, 2015.

The W. J. McKeachie Career Achievement Award

The Special Interest Group for Faculty Teaching, Evaluation and Development of the American Educational Research Association established the W. J. McKeachie Career Achievement Award to recognize outstanding contributions, over a career, to the fields of faculty teaching, evaluation and development, and to SIG-FTED. Past winners include Bill McKeachie (for whom the award is named), Bob Menges, Herb Marsh, John Centra, Ken Feldman, Ray Perry, Harry Murray, Phil Abrami, Larry Braskamp, Janet Donald, Michael Scriven, Jennifer Franklin, Michael Theall, Peter Cohen, Chris Knapper, Raoul Arreloa, Lynn McAlpine, Marilla Svinicki, Kenneth O. Doyle and William Cashin.

Supporting documentation for this award should include a nomination letter stating why the nominee is an appropriate candidate and a current curriculum vita of the individual. Nominees must consent to the nomination, and the recipient is expected to make an invited address to the SIG-FTED Business Meeting held during the AERA Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 

Nominations for this award will be accepted for 2017 AERA.

Robert J. Menges New Researcher Award

In 1996, the Special Interest Group for Faculty Teaching, Evaluation, and Development of the American Educational Research Association established an award to recognize outstanding scholarship by a new researcher in the areas of postsecondary teaching, evaluation, and development. In 1998, SIG-FTED named the award in honor of Robert J. Menges to acknowledge his accomplishments and his mentoring of so many people in these fields. Past recipients include Robert Renaud, Dieter Schonwetter, Andrea Wood, Kent Williams, Nathan Hall, Catherine Beauchamp, Salvatore Sanders, Aliki Thomas-Pyliotis, Julie Timmermans and Mariska Knol.

Anne Benoit received the Robert J. Menges New Researcher Award in 2014. She received her PhD in 2013 in Educational Studies from Lesley University, Cambridge, MA. Her dissertation title was "Learning from the Inside Out: A Narrative Study of College Teacher Development" and her work was focused on the role of adult learning theory in faculty development. Anne is currently a senior lecturer and coordinator of undergraduate peer learning programs at Curry College. Congratulations to Anne!

The Robert J. Menges New Researcher Award is intended to support the career development of new scholars, and as such is open to persons currently registered in graduate programs through persons who have received a doctoral degree within three years of the nomination deadline. The Robert J. Menges New Researcher Award is given in recognition of a published study, which may include an article in a refereed journal, a thesis or dissertation, or other forms of publication open to peer review. Supporting documentation should include a letter stating why the nominee is an appropriate candidate, a resume of the individual, and a copy of an article, report, study, or other work by the nominee on which the award should be adjudicated. If the document to be adjudicated is co-authored, the role of the nominee in the project should be clearly explained. Nominees must consent to the nomination, and the recipient is invited to make a presentation in one of the SIG-FTED sessions held during the AERA Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 

Nominations for this award will be accepted for 2016 AERA. Please submit nominations for this award to the Awards Committee Chair, Suzanne Young, [email protected] by December 1, 2015.

Graduate Student Scholar Award

The Graduate Student Scholar Award is intended to support graduate students who are initiating a career in higher education. The award is open to graduate students who are members of AERA. The award will be given to a student whose research interests and potential align with the purpose of our SIG, which is “to investigate, promote, and support research and development on college teaching and learning, issues related to faculty evaluation and development, and student ratings of teaching.” Supporting documentation should include a nomination letter stating why the nominee is an appropriate candidate, the nominee’s vita, and a copy of up to two research publications (including an unpublished dissertation) that are representative of the nominee’s work. Nominees must consent to the nomination. Self-nominations are also accepted and encouraged. The awardee will receive a $500 stipend (intended to use for travel to AERA), a one year membership in our SIG, and a certificate to be awarded annually, at our business meeting.

Requests for nominations for this award will be announced soon.

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