We are actively recruiting new members to our SIG. Please help us by nominating a colleague or graduate student that we can contact about membership. The link to the nomination form is tinyurl.com/SIGmembers16.
Would you like to volunteer to work on a Classroom Assessment SIG Committee? The Distinguished Paper Award Committee selects the award recipient for outstanding paper submission to the SIG. The Nominations Committee solicits and selects nominations for new SIG officers. If you are interested in serving, please respond to this form: http://goo.gl/forms/TGt53x45tg.
To submit a paper for consideration, the first author should send two copies as attachments by email directly to Robin Tierney, Chair of the Distinguished Paper Award Selection Committee. One copy should be blinded: All identifying information should be removed from the title page, the document properties, and any headers, footers or running titles. In-text references that make authorship evident should be anonymized. The second copy should include the names and contact information for all authors. The selection process is competitive: Please ensure that your paper is complete and polished. Use the subject line "CA SIG Distinguished Paper Award Submission 2016" and submit to Robin Tierney no later than Friday, August 26, 2016.
++++++++++ Do you have an announcement you would like posted? Let us know.
Please send requests to post position announcements (in pdf format) to Heidi Andrade, SIG Chairperson.