Who We Are
SIG Officers

Chair: Dolores Perin
Professor of Psychology and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

Program Chair: Margaret Patterson

[email protected] 
Senior Researcher, Research Allies for Lifelong Learning

Secretary/ Treasurer: Jennifer Lentini  
[email protected]

Research Associate in the Center for Academic and Workforce Readiness and Success, Educational Testing Service


Awards Chair: Cristine Smith Crispin  

[email protected]

Associate Professor, Center for International Education

University of Massachusetts

Member-at-Large: Amy D. Rose  
Department of Counseling, Adult and Higher Education
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115
815-753-9373 (office)
630-717-0473 (home)
815-753-9309 (fax)
[email protected]

Webmaster: Sasha Lotas
[email protected]
Doctoral Candidate, Learning Sciences
University of Washington

Structure & Governance
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