Division Highlights
Division A - Administration, Organization and Leadership


  • Preparing Social Justice School Leaders, Parc 55, Powell I, Third Level, Saturday, April 27, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • Principals Navigate the Process and Outcomes of Instructional Leadership, Westin St. Francis, Elizabethan A, Second Level, Sunday, April 28, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Deconstructing Data Use in Education: Investigating How, Where, and by Whom Data Are Used for Instructional Decision Making, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level, Sunday, April 28, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Social Network Research in Schools: Theory, Policy, and Praxis, Westin St. Francis, California West, Second Level, Sunday, April 28, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • Division A Business Meeting, Grand Hyatt, Redwood, Ballroom Level, Monday, April 29, 6:30pm 8:00pm
  • Research on Educational Leadership for Equity and Diversity, Hilton Union Square, Yosemite B, , Wednesday, May 1, 12:25pm 1:55pm

Division B - Curriculum Studies

  • Daisaku Ikeda’s Soka Education in Response to the Poverty of Humanism in Education, Hilton Union Square, Tower 3 Lombard, Sixth Level, Saturday, April 27, 12:00pm 1:30pm
  • Difficult Topics, Troubled Histories: Rethinking How Curriculum Studies Makes Its Objects, Grand Hyatt, Grand Ballroom West, Ballroom Level, Sunday, April 28, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Curriculum Slam: Performing Epistemologies and Improvising Ontologies, Grand Hyatt, Grand Ballroom West, Ballroom Level, Sunday, April 28, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • The Politics of Difference in Histories and Current Meanings of Curriculum in Schools, Colleges, Media, and Public Institutions, Grand Hyatt, Grand Ballroom West, Ballroom Level, Tuesday, April 30, 12:10pm 1:40pm
  • Indigenous Land and Education in the Bay Area: Dislocation, Relocation, Occupation, and Repatriation, Grand Hyatt, Grand Ballroom West, Ballroom Level, Wednesday, May 1, 12:25pm 1:55pm

Division C - Learning and Instruction


  • Division C Invited Session: Jan Hawkins Award Address: Tobin White, Westin St. Francis, California East, Second Level, Sunday, April 28, 12:25pm 1:55pm
  • Division C Invited Session:  Critical Research Questions for Practice in Education and Poverty, Westin St. Francis, California East, Second Level, Sunday, April 28, 4:05pm 6:05pm
  • Examining Innovations—Navigating the Dynamic Complexities  of School-Based Intervention Research, Hilton Union Square, Yosemite B, , Monday, April 29, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Division C Graduate Student Committee:  New Directions:  Resilience, Westin St. Francis, California East, Second Level, Monday, April 29, 2:45pm 4:15pm
  • Culturally Relevant Computer Science: Pathways to Broadening Participation, Hilton Union Square, Tower 3 Union Square 19 and 20, Fourth Level, Tuesday, April 30, 8:00am 10:00am
  • Interventions to Change Cognition, Epistemic Beliefs, and Comprehension, Hilton Union Square, Tower 3 Union Square 21, Fourth Level, Tuesday, April 30, 10:20am 11:50am
  • Sylvia Scribner Award Address: Peter Smagorinsky, Westin St. Francis, California East, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 2:00pm 3:30pm
  • Promoting Academically Productive Student Dialogue: International Perspectives on the Role of Teacher Practices, Grand Hyatt, Belvedere, Second Level, Wednesday, May 1, 10:35am 12:05pm

Division D - Measurement and Research Methodology

  • Division D Graduate Student Seminar: Preparation, Perspiration, and Progress: Thoughts on Building a Career in Measurement or Research Methodology, Hilton Union Square, Continental 6, Ballroom Level, Saturday, April 27, 8:00am 11:00am
  • Division D Exemplary Work From Promising Researchers, Parc 55, Divisadero, Second Level, Saturday, April 27, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • Latent Transition Analysis: Recent Advances and Applications, Parc 55, Mission II&III, Fourth Level, Sunday, April 28, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Division D Measurement and Research Methodology Luncheon and Business Meeting: An Introduction to the Theory, Methods, and Applications of Diagnostic Measurement, Westin St. Francis, Grand Ballroom, Mezzanine Level, Sunday, April 28, 12:25pm 1:55pm
  • The Robert L. Linn Distinguished Address, Westin St. Francis, Colonial, Mezzanine Level, Sunday, April 28, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • Division D Mentoring Reception for New Professionals, Hotel Nikko, Nikko II, Third Level, Sunday, April 28, 4:05pm 6:05pm
  • AERA Division D Welcome Reception for Current and New Members, Westin St. Francis, California West, Second Level, Monday, April 29, 6:30pm 8:00pm
  • College and Career Readiness Assessments: How Will Scores Be Used by Higher Education?, Parc 55, Sutro, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 10:20am 11:50am
  • Division D 2013 In-Progress Research Gala, Parc 55, Cyril Magnin Ballroom, , Tuesday, April 30, 7:15pm 8:45pm
  • Utilizing Critical Theoretical Frameworks to Reshape and Redefine Educational Policy Analysis, Parc 55, Mission II&III, Fourth Level, Wednesday, May 1, 2:15pm 3:45pm

Division E - Counseling and Human Development

  • Innovative Practices With Communities of Color, Hilton Union Square, Plaza A, Lobby Level, Saturday, April 27, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • Adolescent Bullying, Sexual Harassment, and Dating Violence:  Consideration of Gender, Parc 55, Cyril Magin III, Fourth Level, Monday, April 29, 8:15am 9:45am
  • The Intersect of Social and Emotional Learning With Academic Achievement: Perspectives From Research and Practice (Symposium), Parc 55, Cyril Magin III, Fourth Level, Wednesday, May 1, 2:15pm 3:45pm

Division F - History and Historiography

  • Leading Historically Black Colleges and Universities Into the 21st Century: A Discussion of Past, Current, and Future Presidents (Vice-Presidential Session), Hilton Union Square, Plaza B, Lobby Level, Sunday, April 28, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Education Policy and School Reform, Westin St. Francis, Georgian, Mezzanine Level, Sunday, April 28, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • Division F Business Meeting and Social, Hilton Union Square, Continental 9, Ballroom Level, Monday, April 29, 6:30pm 8:30pm
  • Histories of the Commonwealth, Hilton Union Square, Tower 3 Sutter, Sixth Level, Tuesday, April 30, 10:20am 11:50am
  • 19th-Century Schooling in the American South, Grand Hyatt, Orpheum, Theatre Level, Tuesday, April 30, 2:00pm 3:30pm
  • Division F Vice-Presidential Invited Session. Education and Poverty: Classic Encounters, Westin St. Francis, Olympic, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 5:05pm 6:35pm

Division G - Social Context of Education


  • Exploring AERA’s Commitment to Social Justice: An Interactive Session With Glide Memorial Church (Workshop), Glide Memorial Church, 330 Ellis Street,  San Francisco, CA, , Tuesday, April 30, 12:10pm 1:40pm
  • Changing Borders: Relocating Race, Ethnicity, and Class, Westin St. Francis, Elizabethan C, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 2:00pm 3:30pm

Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools

  • Using Multilevel Models and Approaches to Examine Relationships Between Teacher Effectiveness and Student Learning, Parc 55, Cyril Magnin II, Fourth Level, Sunday, April 28, 8:15am 10:15am
  • Increasing Graduation Rates Through High School Student Engagement, Parc 55, Mission II&III, Fourth Level, Sunday, April 28, 4:05pm 6:05pm
  • Common Core State Standards: Implementation Milestones and Alignment Between K-12 and Higher Education/College Readiness, Parc 55, Cyril Magnin II, Fourth Level, Monday, April 29, 8:15am 10:15am
  • Symposium on Pushing Innovation Forward: Item and Task Types Under Development by Assessment Consortia, Parc 55, Cyril Magin III, Fourth Level, Tuesday, April 30, 12:10pm 1:40pm
  • Avoiding Potholes in the Implementation of Federally Fostered, State Implemented Teacher Evaluation: Four Alternative Views, Hilton Union Square, Yosemite B, , Tuesday, April 30, 5:05pm 7:05pm

Division I - Education in the Professions

  • How Increasing the Number of Professionals From Underrepresented Groups Can Lessen the Impact of Poverty, Parc 55, Cyril Magnin II, Fourth Level, Tuesday, April 30, 10:20am 11:50am

Division J - Postsecondary Education

  • The Changing Landscape of Academic Governance and the Imperative for a New Research Agenda, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level, Saturday, April 27, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • Division J Vice-Presidential Address, Hilton Union Square, Plaza B, Lobby Level, Sunday, April 28, 4:05pm 5:35pm
  • Division J Postsecondary Education Business Meeting and Reception, Hilton Union Square, Plaza B, Lobby Level, Sunday, April 28, 6:15pm 8:15pm
  • Demystifying the Journal Review Process: Exploring the Perspectives of Editors, Reviewers, and Authors, Hilton Union Square, Continental 7, Ballroom Level, Monday, April 29, 8:15am 9:45am
  • Graduate Student Session: Closing the Interview and Landing the Job: Navigating Today’s Academic and Non-Academic Market, Westin St. Francis, Victorian, Second Level, Monday, April 29, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Beyond the First 90 Days: Research-Based Recommendations to the Obama Administration for Access and Equity in Higher Education, Parc 55, Mission II&III, Fourth Level, Monday, April 29, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Defining a Meaningful Research Agenda Around Technological Innovation in Postsecondary Course Delivery, Hotel Nikko, Nikko III, Third Level, Tuesday, April 30, 8:00am 9:30am
  • What Is the Purpose of the Annual Meeting of a Scholarly Association? A Town Hall Meeting, Westin St. Francis, Oxford, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 12:10pm 1:40pm

Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education

  • Taking the Poverty Out of Education: Teacher Educators of Color Reclaiming Antiracist Strategies in Preservice Teacher Education, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 4, Lobby Level, Saturday, April 27, 12:00pm 1:30pm
  • Thinking About Practice: From the Classroom to Policy, Hilton Union Square, Continental 1, Ballroom Level, Sunday, April 28, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Preparing for the Common Core: Students’ and Teachers’ Discourses, Interactions, and Experiences in Literature Discussions, Hilton Union Square, Tower 3 Union Square 9, Fourth Level, Sunday, April 28, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Building a Shared Understanding for Designing and Studying Practice-Based Teacher Education, Westin St. Francis, Colonial, Mezzanine Level, Sunday, April 28, 12:25pm 1:55pm
  • “But Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only": Using Critical Race Theory to Challenge Teachers’ Beliefs and Dispositions on Academic Achievement and Working With Students of Color, Hilton Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level, Sunday, April 28, 2:15pm 3:45pm
  • The Problem of Linear Thinking in Teacher Education Research: How Complexity Theory Can Help, Hotel Nikko, Carmel I, Third Level, Tuesday, April 30, 10:20am 11:50am
  • Urban Parent-Teacher Education Collaborative: Understanding the Longitudinal Impact of Engaging Preservice Teachers and Communities, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 3, Lobby Level, Tuesday, April 30, 10:20am 11:50am
  • Affirming the Complexities of Diverse Languages and Literacies: Ecological Perspectives on Teacher Education and Retention, Westin St. Francis, Kent, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 12:10pm 1:40pm
  • Social Justice Embedded in the Multiple Contexts, Policies, and Practices of Teacher Education, Hilton Union Square, Continental 3, Ballroom Level, Tuesday, April 30, 2:00pm 3:30pm
  • Professional Development in High-Poverty Urban Schools, Westin St. Francis, Elizabethan B, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 2:00pm 3:30pm
  • Knocking on the Ivory Tower: Connecting Teacher Qualifications and Preparation to Student Outcomes, Westin St. Francis, Elizabethan B, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 5:05pm 7:05pm
  • Teachers’ Beliefs About English Language Learners: A Poverty of Belief?, Hilton Union Square, Tower 3 Union Square 14, Fourth Level, Tuesday, April 30, 5:05pm 6:35pm
  • The Work of Teacher Education: Policy, Practice, and Institutional Conditions in International Contexts, Hilton Union Square, Continental 2, Ballroom Level, Wednesday, May 1, 2:15pm 3:45pm

Division L - Educational Policy and Politics

  • Using Data to Measure and Make Decisions About Teacher Quality, Westin St. Francis, California West, Second Level, Sunday, April 28, 8:15am 9:45am
  • Division L Vice-Presidential Address: Reconciling Conflicting Theories of Change That Undergird Teacher Evaluation Policies, Westin St. Francis, California West, Second Level, Sunday, April 28, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • Network Governance?  New Policy Networks and the Global Privatization of Education, Westin St. Francis, California West, Second Level, Sunday, April 28, 12:25pm 1:55pm
  • Reception for Division L Policy Makers at the Conference, Westin St. Francis, Sussex, Second Level, Sunday, April 28, 5:00pm 6:15pm
  • Division L (Educational Policy and Politics) Business Meeting and Awards Session, Westin St. Francis, Colonial, Mezzanine Level, Sunday, April 28, 6:15pm 7:45pm
  • The Expanding Marketplace: Exploring the Roles of Philanthropies in an Era of Market-Based Reform, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 6, Lobby Level, Monday, April 29, 8:15am 9:45am
  • Excluding the Majority: The Dynamics of Increasing Polarization in American Schools and the Civil Rights Policy Vacuum, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 7, Lobby Level, Tuesday, April 30, 8:00am 9:30am
  • Targeting Core Practices for Instructional Improvement, Westin St. Francis, California West, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 8:00am 9:30am
  • The Common Core State Standards Initiative and Educational Equity: Theory, Research, Policy, and Praxis, Westin St. Francis, California West, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 5:05pm 7:05pm
  • Achievement Gaps in the Era of No Child Left Behind (NCLB): Measurement, Trends, and the Impact of NCLB, Westin St. Francis, Oxford, Second Level, Tuesday, April 30, 5:05pm 6:35pm
  • Issues in English Learner and Language Policies, Hilton Union Square, Tower 3 Union Square 12, Fourth Level, Wednesday, May 1, 10:35am 12:05pm
  • The Struggle for Educational Equity Within and Between Districts, Hilton Union Square, Tower 3 Union Square 14, Fourth Level, Wednesday, May 1, 12:25pm 1:55pm
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