2016 Annual Meeting Sponsors AERA would like to extend a special thank you to our 2016 sponsors: Platinum Sponsor Routledge Gold Sponsor SAGE Publishing Silver Sponsors Teachers College Press Access Group Center for Policy & Research Analysis Bronze Sponsors Montclair State University NIE, Singapore NORC at the University of Chicago
10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m., Convention Center, Level Three, Ballroom C Session hashtag: #AERAHowMuchTesting Link to Session Session will also be live-streamed Session participants will respond to the questions and concerns that students, parents, teachers, and other diverse stakeholders have raised in the public debate on testing. How much testing is appropriate? Who should be tested, how frequently, and on what content? How should the results of these tests be used? Crowdsourced questions will inform this session, with discussion having started months prior to the Annual Meeting, tagged with #AERAHowMuchTesting. Participants will also consider the role and impact of research in a policy arena so infused with politics and ideology. Participants include Linda Darling-Hammond (Stanford University), Eric A. Hanushek (Stanford University), Lorrie A. Shepard (University of Colorado Boulder), and David C. Berliner (Arizona State University).