Article I. Name
The name of the organization is AERA Division L Educational Policy and Politic
Article II. Affiliation
Division L is a division of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and, as such, members of Division L pay annual dues to AERA and participate as active members of AERA.
Article III. Governing Authority
Division L is governed by the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of AERA. Division L s Bylaws shall not conflict with the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of AERA or policies adopted by the AERA Council.
Article IV. Purpose
The purpose of Division L is:
1. To provide a national forum for the dissemination and discussion of research that advances understanding of how established policy effects educational organizations, the students and educators they serve and the societies in which they exist, and how policy is formulated, enacted and implemented
2. To provide mentoring and networking opportunities for students and junior faculty entering the policy field.
Article V. Membership
Section 1. Membership Eligibility
AERA members may select membership in Division L provided they are current members of AERA.
Section 2. Membership Dues
Each member shall pay annual membership dues in accordance with the Bylaws, policies, and practice of AERA.
Article VI. Officers
The elected officers of Division L are the Vice President and Secretary. Only voting members of AERA and Division L may hold elective offices.
Section 1: Terms of Office
Section 2: Appointment of Replacement
Section 3: Officer Duties
The Vice President shall:
The Secretary shall:
Article VII. Nominations and Elections
Nominations for Vice President and Secretary shall be solicited from the voting members of the division by the Nominating Committee. The names of at least two nominees who have given their consent in writing must appear on the ballot for any divisional office. Other nominations for any office can be made in accordance with AERA Bylaws (Article VII Section 2). The elections of the Vice President and Secretary shall be conducted by AERA in keeping with the procedures adopted for the election of AERA officers (Article VII).
Article VIII. Committees
Most committees will function with a chair and volunteer members. All committee members must be AERA and Division L members in good standing. The terms of membership for all standing committees shall be for three years with staggered terms and shall begin the day following the Association Annual Meeting. Each year the Vice President shall solicit volunteers for service on the various committees using e-mail, division listserv, division newsletters, the annual business meeting, and other means of communications. The Vice President shall attempt to get broad representation based on gender, race, profession, and length of time in the profession. All committees shall submit an annual report to the membership.
Division L has the following standing committees:
Section 1: Executive Committee
Section 2: Nominating Committee Functions:
Section 3: Affirmative Action Committee Functions:
Section 4: Program Committee Functions:
Section 5: Mentoring Committee
Section 6: Awards Committees
Section 7: Graduate Student Committee
Section 8: Ad Hoc Committees
Section 9: Removal of Committee Members
A motion from the Division L Executive Committee to remove any committee member for cause or for nonperformance of duties shall be circulated in writing to all Executive Committee members thirty days prior to a vote on removal. During this thirty-day period, the committee member in question has the right to respond in writing to the removal motion. A confidential ballot of the Executive Committee members shall be taken and can be conducted by mail or e-mail and handled by a duly authorized agent appointed by the Executive Committee. If the committee member in question is an Executive Committee member, he or she shall recuse himself or herself from the discussion and shall not vote on the motion for removal from the committee. A motion to remove a committee member from a committee shall require a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee voting for approval. Upon removal of a committee member from the committee, the Vice President shall appoint a replacement member to serve the remaining term of the removed committee member.
Article IX. Division Meetings
Section 1: Scheduling of Meetings
The Vice President shall have authority to set the time and place of all meetings of Division L in consultation with the AERA Central Office where applicable.
Section 2: AERA Annual Meeting and Division L Business Meeting
Except for sufficient reason, there shall be an Annual Meeting of the AERA each year. One session shall be arranged at this meeting for the Division L Annual Business Meeting. The Division L Annual Business Meeting will be a forum for reports of committee activities and discussion of Division L affairs, including a report on Division L financial activities. Any Division L Awards will be presented at the Annual Business Meeting. During the Division L Annual Business Meeting, members of the Executive Committee shall report to the membership. Special recognitions may be presented. Members in attendance shall be considered a quorum.
Section 3: Notice of Division L Meetings
Announcement of time and place of any business meeting of Division L shall be made as far ahead as is reasonably possible. In any case, notice shall be sent to voting members at least three weeks in advance. The time and location of the Annual Business Meeting shall be listed in the AERA Annual Meeting program and in the Division newsletter, and all Division L members and those interested in becoming members shall be invited to attend. Division L program activities will be listed in the AERA Annual Meeting Program and on the Division L website in a format that can be searched, downloaded, and printed prior to the AERA Annual Meeting. The Vice President and Secretary shall also announce the AERA Annual Meeting and the Division L program through additional avenues such as the Division listserv and newsletter.
Section 4: Rules of Order
In all cases to which they apply and do not conflict with the provisions of these Bylaws, Robert s Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern business meetings of Division L.
Section 5: Membership Approval
Items of Division L business requiring the vote of the voting members shall be transacted by e-mail or other means, and must originate from the Vice President or the AERA Council in accordance with Division L Bylaws and in accordance with the AERA Bylaws. It shall also be in order for any member to introduce an item for discussion and consideration at the next business meeting of Division L. A majority vote of members present at the meeting shall be sufficient for submission of an action to the e-mail or other means vote of the entire membership.
A summary of actions taken by the membership shall be included in the Annual Report by the Vice President.
Article X. Finances
Section 1. Dues, Fees, and Assessments
Dues and special assessments for Division L membership shall be governed by AERA Bylaws.
Section 2. Budget
Division L shall receive an annual budget established by the AERA Council that shall govern Division expenditures and be administered under the authority of the AERA Executive Director. The Vice President shall furnish the membership with a report of the approved budget and expenditures on no less than an annual basis.
Section 3. Financial Management and Control
Article XI. Amendments and Revisions
Amendments to or other changes in these Bylaws may be initiated in either of the following ways:
Petition for an AERA Sanctioned Award
Name of the Award: Early Career Award in Educational Policy
Sponsor: AERA Division L
Year Award to be Established: 2012
Rationale: The award will recognize a scholar whose initial career (the first seven years past the receipt of the doctorate) shows a high level of productivity. This productivity will be reflected in the quality and impact of the recipient’s research. The field of educational policy research has generated a number of excellent researchers who deserve broad recognition. This award will be offered every other year and will alternate with the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Selection/Eligibility: In selecting a winner, the criteria to be considered will be the quality and impact of the candidate’s work. The winning candidate should have received the doctorate no more than seven years before the time when nominations for the award are due.
Nomination Process:
To nominate a candidate, there must be a nominating letter and two supporting letters. These letters should describe the candidate’s research contributions to the field of educational policy. They should describe the quality of the research, including--as appropriate--its rigor, insight, contribution to an policy research, and/or contribution to policy or policy debates.
**Review/Selection Process:
1. The Awards Committee of Division L will consist of the overall chair and a co-chair for each award. The Awards Committee will identify four members of the Early Career Award Subcommittee. The co-chair for the Early Career Subcommittee and the four additional members will review nominated reports and make the final award.
2. Members of the Early Career Achievement Subcommittee will be selected to ensure that there is no conflict of interest and that representation of a wide range of Division members and educational constituencies is assured.
3. Each committee member reviews the packages of letters for all candidates.
4. By individual ballot, each committee member will make a global ranking of the nominated candidates with the top report receiving a “1”.
5. After reviewing and sharing the ranks to the committee members, the subcommittee co-chair will schedule a conference call to discuss the rankings to reach a consensus on the awardee. Awards will only be made when at least one candidate is of sufficiently high quality as to deserve this recognition.
Form of Recognition:
The awardee will receive a plaque and a cash award of $1000 that will be presented at the Division L business meeting which is held during the AERA Annual Meeting.
Name of Existing AERA-Sanctioned Awards:
Contact Person for the Award: Chair of the Division L Awards Committee
Name of the Award: Lifetime Achievement Award in Educational Policy
Year Award to be Established: 2013
Rationale: The award will recognize a lifetime of achievement in educational policy research. The field of educational policy research has generated a number of excellent researchers who deserve broad recognition. The award will be offered every other year and will alternate with the Early Career Award.
Selection/Eligibility: In selecting a winner, the criteria to be considered will be the quality and impact of the candidate’s work over a lifetime.
To nominate a candidate, there must be a nominating letter and two supporting letters. These letters should describe the candidate’s contributions to the field of educational policy over the course of the candidate’s career. They should describe the quality of the research, including--as appropriate--its rigor, insight, contribution to policy, and/or contribution to policy or policy debates.
Review/Selection Process:
1. The Awards Committee of Division L will consist of the overall chair and a co-chair for each award. The Awards Committee will identify four members of the Lifetime Achievement Subcommittee. The co-chair for the Lifetime Achievement Subcommittee and the four additional members will review nominated reports and make the final award.
2. Members of the Lifetime Achievement Subcommittee will be selected to ensure that there is no conflict of interest and that representation of a wide range of Division members and educational constituencies is assured.
The awardee will receive a plaque and a cash award of $1,000 that will be presented at the Division L business meeting which is held during the AERA Annual Meeting.
Name of the Award: Outstanding Policy Research Report Award
Only one award will be given each year. In the first year, the award will be given to an article or research report or policy brief of 50 pages or less. In the second year, the award will be given to a book or research report of more than 50 pages. Subsequently, the award will alternate between article-length and book-length reports.
Selection/Eligibility: In selecting a winner, the following guidelines will apply.
The nomination must include the following items:
Research reports may be nominated by a report author or by a “user” or other reader.
The awardee(s) will receive a plaque and a cash award of $500 that will be presented at the Division L business meeting which is held during the AERA Annual Meeting.
Contact Person for the Award: Chair of the Division L Research Awards Committee