Division A Program Committee
Sonya Horsford
Alex Bowers
Elizabeth Murakami
Martin Scanlon
April Peters Hawkins
Section 1: Leadership
Melinda Mangin
Susan Faircloth
Julia Ballenger &
Craig Hochbein
Section 2: School
Organization and Effects
Julian Vasquez
Wayne Lewis
Hans Klar
Vincent Cho
Section 3: School Improvement
Latish Reed
Karen Jackson
Ann Allen
Rosa Rivera-McCutchen
Section 4: School Contexts and Communities
Peter Miller
John A. Oliver
Ty-Ron Douglas
Madeline Hafner
Section 5: Leadership Development
April Peters
Karen Stansberry Beard
Scott Bowers
Karen Sanzo
2015 Program Call Overview
The 2015 AERA Annual Meeting theme is a call to “examine the meaning of culture, language, and heritage in education research and praxis with the aim of advancing justice.”
As the call states further: “We have the opportunity and the moral obligation to apply principles and evidence from social science research and theorizing to the problems of injustice.” Given our role as the Division for Administration, Organization and Leadership, we invite papers which applying social science research principles and evidence to finding solutions and ameliorating the effects of injustice in our schools. We also invite papers which explore how our division (and its various sections) conceptualize justice and approaches to its advancement in schools and in our work as researchers, scholars and faculty.
Division A is broadly committed to supporting scholarly research in the field of educational organization, leadership, administration and school reform; to disseminating knowledge about and for the field; and to improving the capacity of the profession in our field to enhance the public good. We look for papers that address this broader commitment, and in particular papers that seek to explore the role of educational leaders, policy makers, and institutions to improve PK-12 education for all children. We also seek papers that reflect innovative research-based approaches to such issues and that engage practitioners, policy makers and researchers in applying research to policy and practice in educational organization, leadership and administration in PK-12 education and promoting justice and equity for all children. We share the intent of the 2015 AERA call, to deepen both our focus and our process around the principles of justice. As the 2015 AERA call states: The aim is to make room for democratized knowledge and knowledge production in which the experiences of all people are shaped by principles and practices of justice.